Posts Tagged ‘wow’

I was stunned in Awe.

September 12, 2008

Seriously…… Stunned!

Can Mages tank?

Can Mages tank?

On my way home for lunch, happily link-hoping from blog post to blog post. Reading the undeniable Wrath information from wow-insider and other tidbits. After a while, I stumbled onto a blog that has cleverly eluded me for far too long.

Life of a Nin from blogger 2ndNin is Incredibly well written, it gave me goosebumps from reading it, really. I spent my entire lunch break, reading trough the blog entries.

Nothing says “Awe” like arriving late for work, with the “sorry boss, I got lost reading….” excuse. but hey, it happens.

Thank you Nin (squared) for providing me with, yet another, daily read.

a night elf eye view

September 9, 2008

Monday morning, start of the work week, and posting time for the (not so busy) weekend.

(yes I know, I couldn’t post yesterday, don’t ask me why, but I just couldn’t)

Real life took more then it’s share of my free time this weekend, from social events to home improvement, there has hardly time to play World of warcraft. Still I managed to squeeze in a few hours game time on Friday, and again some more on Sunday.

Friday was dual night, had the farm team level to 14 (Armory is too slow to update). It’s a whole new experience playing with both characters at the same time. The learning curve (I think) is really fast to get over, the options both characters provide on a Pve environment are really that good.

but,  not everything is handed down to you on  a silver plated (thank Elune, in my opinion), normal methods aren’t cutting it.


Well, for starters, the background work behind these two is much greater then on a Solo leveling session. There are quests that aren’t worth taking and others that are. Wowhead helps with the research for best routes between objectives and maximizing Experience gains.

There’s Lag, and lot’s of it! If my connection had a good stable “60-ish” ping, I’m getting close to 140 every time I play with both clients. Even worse, there seems to be some sort of “Internal lag” between both clients and the server, witch means if there’s a long “run” anywhere, Chances are your follow character will get stuck, draw aggro, or just plain old stop following you.

Sunday (yes, because Saturday didn’t exist for me) I logged with Dranzig and clobbered some ogres down in Tanaris, mashed a few yetis in Feralas and finished the cooking quest for 300 skill. leveled all the way to 52, I think I’m in a good pace with him. Bloodrazor and Shadowfang are incredible weapons. I need to get a more solid investment in Agility and strength, rather then sharing between Stamina, I think I need to set as priority the stats, going from Agility > strength > Stamina.

Outlands is a mere 6 levels away (8 if I stick arround to 60), but It’s so close that I don’t see the need for that gear change right now. the weapons will due me until later levels, so I’m not too worried about those. but I’m lackyng severeally in the critical department. well, let’s wait and see right.

Absent, but not quite…

August 29, 2008

No I didn’t get a Beta key, or anything of the sort, I did however get some MAJOR work done around my guild and personal wow-life.

First things first, right?

I’ve, finally, conviced a family member to try out Wow. After months of debating about “childish graphics”, “poor gaming experience” and “gaming atmosphere”, he finally craked and promptly started the Painful track to install/Patch wow.

He asked me to start a character with him so we could “dual” our way trough content. Help him I shall, and it will be great. I wont be bothered about class selection, since it’s his first ever wow character, but also because, no mater what he chooses, I will choose a good solid complement to his character so we can blaze faster and safer. Hopefully we will have 2 high level characters (maybe not 70 yet) to play with before “The Rash” comes out!

But not all of this are sweet news, oh no…

  • My country isn’t eligible for Recruit-a-friend program ( /sadpanda) so no Zebra mount/free levels for me
  • He’s reluctant on account fees (Means I’m paying for is account – actually my 2nd account)
  • Another Alt (this is going 4thehorde very fast)

On guild News….yay!

I’ve started recruiting into <Star Shards>, Dranzig is level 50, Black rock is an inch away, so it makes sence to start gathering players to fill the roster!

Long term goal form <Star Shards> would be to get enough guildies to be able to do outlands instances with the minimum of pugging possible. Let’s see…

Just three things

August 26, 2008

It’s 1am….

It’s freaking late….

What, the h7ll, am I doing up?

Oh, right…….Had this to show you

Watch more WoW Videos and 3 more things!

That’s Freaking awesome!!

I think I’ll start doing a “mandatory” weeklly post, be a Videos (media) show.

What do you guys think?

who me, nah… it was some other tank

August 21, 2008

Did you ever did something in a Raid/instance that you’re not particularly proud of? Did you ever left someone on the ropes, because the thought of watching him twist and turn in agony, felt good?

Well, I kinda may have probably did that last night. I’ll explain….

Leeroy ?

Leeroy ?

First of, I’ve meet a great night elf hunter, Tox****, he´s good. he’s not only willing to listen but also shares is thoughts in a very clear way. Hell he even call’s out trap resists in instance runs.

I’m out-&-about last night, getting my last quests done in Stranglehorn Vale, you know favors for the goblins and such, when Tox**** whispers me and asks me if I what to tank Zul’Farak. I’m Fury talented, but I have good gear, my tanking is decent, and I did clear Maraudon and Scarlet monastery with him before while tanking. So I’m thinking that I’m up to the challenge, right?

I answer back with a big thumbs up and get an invite almost instant. We’re only missing a healer, not to bad right?

(of course, I’m like, jumping in my chair, because he actually recognize me as a tank, and instead of looking for a group, it came to me….I’m thrilled really)

The group starts talking and we’re really interested in Gahz’rilla. So we need the mallet to summon him. By now we’ve signed a druid (a balance one) to heal (interesting). The group set’s out to Southshore, to help out the Party leader (the rogue) get the mallet so we can take down “Gahz”, talk about team effort, right!!

The group is now composed of:

  • warrior 46
  • Rogue 46
  • Druid 47
  • Hunter 42
  • Mage 50

I’m thinking we’ve got a good group..everyone is talkative enough in Party chat, we’re all getting out of our ways to help one member get a quest item. that’s really nice…by the time I get to Southshore (all the way from booty bay) I check the map to realize that they didn’t wait up for me, in fact, they almost got to the Altar to craft the mallet …oh well, less pain for me I guess….

In party chat, I ask if they need help, the answer: No, it’s ok. Wait for us in there, so we can all ride down together.

ONE hour later….I’m still sitting by the Flight amster (I ran out of rabbits to kill) and the guys finally return after getting three more quests done down there. (they actually completed 3 of the mage’s quests in the area, you know, since they already in there right!?!)

I remain calm and didn’t, I repeat, DIDN’T say anything….but I wanted to !!!

They get to Theramore (mage portal???), and say that they will summon me to instance. Ok, I answer, while I lit a cigarette, and pour some chocolate milk in a glass. After a few minutes, there it his, a summon to ZF.


Ask if anyone needs stamina/mana food (yes, I do it). we’re all okay, and ready to go. we jump inside the instance, now the troubles start.

The mage (who shall remain anonymous) has a trigger finger issue! a severe one. so Severe he single-handedly made us wipe. three times.

After the first wipe, I asked to have a little time to build threat on the target mob, and to get at least a solid Aggro base, since the level difference from the mage makes it harder for me to hold it. A General “Yes!” sends me to the next group and we sheep and sap, moon and cross, leaving skull for me to build on…all is good all is fine none steals aggro! I move to Cross (sap) and get a solid start too, no problems there. I know the sheeped mob already has a base aggro from the mage , but my taunt is up, so I sunder the sheep and taunt the target, get working on it, and all is fine. That was the only good pull we had…

Right around the corner, the next group, was Aoe pulled by the mage’s Blizzard, I was thinking to myself….what, the….***curses to himself***, run and try to get me some attention. we barely made it.

Next pull, I manage to get to the mob first, but everyone had already started to Dps, before I landed the first hit. so much for that attempt. it was just a single mob, so not to bad. I mean, we lived.

Next pull, we sheep/sap again…no worries I get skull, draw him back and the mage starts exploding everywhere…needless to say, we wiped, again…

we go back..

same pull….


I just sit down and die!

He get’s all berserk at me, saying, I’m not holding aggro……oh, if was next to me, I’d be eating trough a straw about now!!!! (yes eating **curses again**)

I say, something like, when I get to “tank” the mob, we do fine, when you start spamming needless spells, and do crazy actions, we wipe…but hey, if you wanna go for the mob first, go ahead, Tank away, just remember you have 2000 less Hp then me, even less armor, no avoidance, no shield….but hey, it’s your boat, rock it has you please…

I get a whisper from Tox**** saying, that he couldn’t believe the way the mage has acting, and saying sorry for having invited me.

“no worries mate, it’s a good trip, at least I now know who not to group with right…^^”

Call if fate or whatever, On our 4th wipe of the evening…we’re running back to where we died, and some mobs already started re-spawning, just after we kill one mob, My Internet decided to commit suicide, and left me hanging…

I try to get back, but it keeps saying that I can’t login! I figure I have to restart the router (like it or not) and the whole operation takes about 15  minutes to reboot..

I call it quits, and leave them all hanging…

I know I did a very bad thing…but the respect they showed me had it coming, I moved out of my way to help, and get stranded for over an hour, I try to do my job in the instance and can’t because some mage’tard doesn’t help, I get a massive (I know it’s level 46, but I’m not rolling in gold you know!!) repair bill.

I feel sorry for Tox**** tough.